2024 - Our Faithful Departed - List of those buried from Our Lady of the Assumption Parish or funeral home by Msgr. Sheehan.

Brenda Bourdreau - April 27th - Fundy

Laura Harquail - April 27th - Castle

Helen Dunphy - April 21st - Fundy

Brian Vautour - April 12th - Fundy

William Wilson - April 5th - Castle

Joseph Roy - March 31st - Castle

Margaret Griffin - March 26th - Castle

Mary Butler - March 4th - Castle

Norma Binns - Feb. 27th - Castle

Catherine Keenan - Feb. 9th - Castle

Marie Anne Burton - Feb. 6th — Castle

Nancy Gormley - Jan. 26th — Fundy

Mary Ellsworth - Dec. 31st — St. George